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Policy on prevention and response to violence and harassment

Policy on preventing and combating violence and harassment at work.


Our company “STROMATOPOIA ATHENS S.A.”, located in Mandra, Attica (End of Makrigianni Street), Tax ID 095318624 – Tax Office of Elefsina, No. G.E.M.H. 112415908000, contact telephone number 210 55 52 000, e-mail address, comply with all measures and obligations relating to the implementation of the provisions of Part II of Law 4808/2021 to prevent and respond to all forms of violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment and sexual harassment.


Purpose of this policy The purpose of this policy is to create and establish a working environment that respects, promotes and safeguards human dignity and the right of every person to a world of work free from violence and harassment. Our company declares that it recognizes and respects the right of every employee to a work environment free of violence and harassment and will not tolerate any form of violence and harassment, whether related to or arising out of work, including gender-based violence and harassment and sexual harassment.



This policy is adopted in accordance with Articles 9 and 10 of Law 4808/2021 and the legislation issued thereunder and covers employees and workers, regardless of their contractual status. SPECIFICALLY:

  1. The company carries out an assessment of the risks of violence and harassment at work, taking into account any inherent risks arising from the nature of the activity, the location of the workplace, factors such as gender and age or other discriminatory characteristics, as well as risks relating to specific groups of employees (e.g. new recruits, night workers).
  2. The company shall take measures to prevent, control, mitigate and address these risks, as well as to monitor such incidents or forms of behaviour, demonstrating zero tolerance of violence and harassment, acting with confidentiality and respecting human dignity. By way of illustration, the company encourages the maintenance of a working climate where respect for human dignity, cooperation and mutual assistance are core values. It undertakes actions to raise awareness among employees of healthy standards of behaviour and of issues concerning vulnerable categories of employees. It also takes technical measures in its premises to prevent risks, such as adequate lighting of the premises. The company also has a procedure for managing reports/complaints and regularly evaluates the effectiveness of its actions.
  3. The company undertakes actions to inform and raise awareness among staff about the potential risks of violence and harassment in the workplace and the relevant prevention and protection measures in the event of such incidents. In the context of staff awareness, targeted meetings are organised to discuss relevant issues and to address potential risks in a timely manner. The participation of management and employee representatives in training seminars on the identification and management of risks of violence and harassment at work is also encouraged.
  4. The company shall provide information on the rights and obligations of employees and the employer, as well as of persons exercising managerial authority or representing the employer, to the extent and to the extent of their responsibility, in the event of the occurrence, reporting or reporting of such incidents, as well as on the relevant procedure for receiving and investigating complaints. In particular, any person affected by an incident of violence or harassment in access to employment, during the employment relationship or even if the contract or employment relationship under which the incident or conduct is alleged to have occurred has ended, has the following possibilities .1) recourse to judicial protection; 4.2) filing a complaint with the Labour Inspectorate within the scope of its statutory powers; 4.3) filing a report with the Ombudsman within the scope of his/her statutory powers; and 4.4) filing a complaint within the company, in accordance with the complaint management policy. The contact details of the competent authorities are as follows: Ombudsman’s line: 213 13 06 600 (e-mail:, Labour Inspectorate Line via the Citizens’ Hotline 1555 (e-mail:, SOS 15900 for immediate psychological support and counselling for women victims of gender violence.
  5. The company has appointed Mr Christos Gotsopoulos as a contact person (“liaison”) at the company level, responsible for guiding and informing employees on the prevention and treatment of violence and harassment at work, whom employees can contact on relevant issues (telephone number 210 55 52 000 and email address The role of the reference person is informative and consists of guiding and informing workers, whether or not they contact him/her in response to an incident or complaint of violence and harassment. The reporting person shall be obliged to protect personal data that may come to his/her knowledge in the course of his/her role.
  6. The company shall ensure employment protection and support for employees of victims of domestic violence, as far as possible, by any appropriate means or reasonable accommodation, including but not limited to flexible working arrangements at the request of an employee of a victim of domestic violence.
  1. The company guarantees secure and easily accessible channels of communication for the reception and examination of complaints and information of complainants and facilitates the relevant procedures. In particular, Mr Christos Gotsopoulos has been appointed as the person responsible for receiving, examining and handling complaints or grievances of affected persons regarding behaviour of violence or harassment. The relevant communication will be made at the following e-mail address In any case, the affected person will be informed, at any stage of the procedure followed within the company, of his/her possibility to submit a complaint to the competent administrative authorities within their competence (Labour Inspectorate and Ombudsman) as well as to the judicial authorities of his/her choice.
  2. The receipt, investigation and management of complaints shall be carried out promptly and impartially, in a manner that respects human dignity and ensures the protection of the confidentiality and personal data of victims and complainants collected in the performance of the above tasks.
  3. The company undertakes to comply with the obligation of non-retaliation in accordance with Article 13 of the Ν. 4808/2021 and the provisions of labour law.
  4. In the event of a violation, the company will take the necessary, appropriate and proportionate measures against the complainant in order to prevent a similar incident or behaviour from happening again. Such measures include, but are not limited to, recommending compliance, changing the position, changing the hours, changing the place or manner of work, or terminating the employment or cooperation relationship, without prejudice to the prohibition of abuse of right in Article 281 CC.
  5. The company and any person responsible for receiving and handling complaints undertake to provide their cooperation and assistance and any relevant information to the competent public, administrative and judicial authorities, if requested by them, which they shall keep in a file in accordance with the provisions of Ν. 4624/2019 .